Saturday, November 20, 2010

I am the Archangel

Welcome to Archangel's Wrestling Blog, I am the Archangel.  I have been a wrestling fan since I was a kid, and now as an adult, I am more of a fan than ever.  My earliest memories of watching wrestling was 1990.  That was the year that Ultimate Warrior won the WWF Championship and Sting won the NWA World Championship.  Looking back on that time, I know that Warrior wasn't the greatest WWF Champion ever and the Sting vs Black Scorpion feud didn't make much sense, but I was captivated by both.  I also used to watch AWA on ESPN back then, though I really didn't know much about the AWA, nor did I watch it that often.

If you knew me, and knew how big of a wrestling fan I am and have been, then you'd be surprised to know that I have never seen a pay-per-view event live on TV.  As a kid, my parents wouldn't buy them for me, and as an adult, I haven't really had the money to spend on pay-per-views, especially when not know how good they will be.  I prefer to spend my money on wrestling DVDs.  Mostly WWE collection DVDs.  The other big thing that wrestling fans do, and I have rarely done is go to live events.  Only twice have I been to a live event for one of the major promotions.  I saw a WCW house show in early 1998, and a WWE "Supershow" the night before WWE Over the Limit.  That's another one of those things that my parents wouldn't pay for, except for that one time in 1998.

In this blog, I will talk much about the pro wrestling today as well as the past.  I will give interesting insight and previews of upcoming matches.  Most of my blogs will focus on WWE, but I will talk occasionally about TNA, WCW, ECW, ROH, and Independent Promotions.  I hope you will find everything interesting.